As I’m currently writing this recap during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, it’s hard to think of 2019 as anything but sunshine and roses. Wasn’t life so much better back then?! But unfortunately for me, it had its down moments too.
The good:
Over the summer of 2019, Tym and I had the opportunity to upgrade to a bigger house in the Central District neighborhood of Seattle! We’d been casually looking for a few months but weren’t quite certain it was something we’d commit to in 2019. I’m happy to be back close to the Capitol Hill and downtown areas, which is where we lived for our first two and a half years in Seattle.
As far as fitness goals, I continued my fitness regimen of running and boxing. This resulted in a PR in the 10k for the first time in almost 10 years! I also completed another trail marathon, DNF’d a 50k, and started biking to work more often (even during our rainy winter!)

My husband and I’s big adventure last year took us to Italy, which had been on my bucket list for several years. We spent almost two full weeks exploring the beautiful cities of Venice, Rome, and Florence. I enjoyed each city for different reasons, but I certainly wouldn’t mind going back to Venice and spending more time there one day.

I also had a few trips closer to home, such as a day trip to Mt. Rainier and another trip to Colorado! It only took living in Seattle for over six years to finally make it out to see the big mountain that serves as the backdrop for so many Seattle photos.

The bad:
While the summer and fall of 2019 were full of good times, the main thing I will always remember about 2019 is that it was the year I lost my grandfather. Not only that, but it happened over Thanksgiving weekend (& we also lost our family cat the day after). My grandfather’s death wasn’t entirely unexpected; my grandfather had been declining in health over the past several years and significantly over the month or two prior to his passing. However, it was still a situation that nobody ever wants to go through.
I am fortunate and forever thankful that I was able to grab a last-minute flight home over the Thanksgiving holidays and spend a few last days with my grandfather and with my family.
Looking ahead:
According to last year’s post, one of my main goals last year was to use all 56 hours of volunteer time provided by my employer. I was a few hours short in 2019, and so I hope to try again in 2020. With our move to a new neighborhood in Seattle, I’m no longer volunteering for the same food bank; however, I’m excited to be working with a new non-profit this year.
I’m not too certain what the rest of my 2020 goals will be. I’m working on a new team within the Education Cloud, so much of my work focus this year is ensuring that my team and I are both successful. Outside of my professional career, I’d originally set my sights on accomplishing a few duathlons or even my first triathlon. Given the current COVID-19 situation, I am now keeping my goals fairly light. I’ve been doing a little more reading, as well as solo running and biking during Washington’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order.
Other than continuing to stay active, I’m hoping that my family and friends remain healthy throughout the rest of this year, and that at some point this summer or fall I may be able to go visit family on the east coast. And I hope you all stay healthy, too!
Until next time,
— Robert